Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Sprained Ankle

Two blogs ago I listed all the races I am wanting to participate in this year.  And even though I never did find a spot for the Utah Valley Half Marathon, and the Park City Half Marathon is full, I am still planning on the rest....hopefully.

Last Saturday I was doing my weekly run, with 5 miles to go and I was trying to figure out my ipod whilst running - and I wasn't paying much attention to where I was running and I stepped off the asphalt where it dropped 3 inches to the gravel and sprained my left ankle something fierce.  I kept walking on it thinking that if I just walked for a few minutes it would be okay.  So when I got to the point where I wasn't necessarily limping I started running again...and continued to run for the remaining miles.  Afterwards my ankle wasn't so bad...until I sat down and didn't walk on it for an hour, and then I really couldn't walk on it.  It wouldn't support any weight whatsoever.  I even had to pull out Husband's hiking stick to support my lack of left leg, at which time he so lovingly began to refer to me as "Gandolf".  Needless to say I ditched the "staff" as soon as I could, the next day. 

I found that once I iced the ankle on and off for 15 minutes, it started to get better immediately.  Though better is not best.  With today marking a week after the bad sprain, I can walk okay, but running is not yet an option.  All week I've been missing being able to run.  I'd get home from work and think, "boy its a great day, I wish I could go running" instead I've made my way through 2 seasons of Gilmore Girls.  Quite pathetic.  I'm hoping this coming week the ability to walk will turn into the ability to run.  Cross your fingers!

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