Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Gimme Sunshine!

I admit that I absolutely love snow. Its beautiful and has enjoyment factors i.e. snowboarding, sledding, ice skating, et cetera.

However, I 100% object to snow in APRIL! Good grief.
And what is worse, nature keeps teasing us with wonderful Saturday weather just to stick its tongue in our face the next day and the next.

I am getting the cabin fever and want sunshine for the following reasons:

1) Running. I need to run outside. If I have to run in the Olympic Oval or on a treadmill for much longer, I just might scream. Not to mention I have a race coming up in a little over 2 weeks and it had better be good weather

2) Climbing. I purchased some new climbing equipment, and all it has done is sit in my closet. If I don't use it soon, I think it is going to get mad at me, become faulty and kill me

3) Clothes. I am tired of my Winter attire and I want to pull out the flip flops without freezing my toes off

4) Lunch. I am beginning to go crazy being cooped up in the lunch room. I adore sitting on the grass and eating outside with a good book during my lunch hour

5) Swimming. I decided that I would like to swim much more this year to be my strongest for the Spudman. And I pretty much refuse to go swimming in the Winter as my hair will freeze and probably break off, ruining the years I have been attempting to grow it out

6) Running. I know I mentioned this before, but I really want to run outside. It has been too long, and I LOVE running the fresh air with actual scenery. Training for races indoors is the absolute pits. This is why I tend to avoid Marathons, Half Marathons, Triathlons and all other such races in the winter months. Even if said race is in some warm location such as Florida. I still have to train indoors, and doing 20 miles on a treadmill? NO THANK YOU! And I am quite anxious to get to training for the St. George Marathon early this year. I've caught a bug!

Yes yes, due to all these reasons, I petition that Nature should stop being such a beast and bring on the sunshine. Are not you in agreeance?

1 comment:

Tara G. said...

I agree. I am so tired of the winter! Today we reached 70 degrees and it was amazing to see how many people were out and about! Hope you guys are doing well. :) T