Friday, March 18, 2011

I Heart Podcasts

I am crazy into podcasts right now.  They are fascinating! least the ones I've been listening to.  My brother, Eric, and his wife, Carlee, introduced them to me on our trip to Vegas in February and I have been a faithful listener ever since!

The podcasts I've become glued to are two from  One is titled "Stuff Mom Never Told You" and the other is "Stuff You Missed in History Class" and the topics are interesting.  The people doing the podcasts do their research, and, for the most part, remain non-biased. I've learned about "How Typhoid Mary Worked", where the term "Peeping Tom" comes from, about the most two famous female pirates, about Barbie's secret past, what the deal is with pink and blue and about the ever intriguing Winchester Mystery Mansion.  

I highly suggest you check these out.  And the best part!?!?....they are FREE.  Just go to itunes or to the website and you can download them to your iphone at no cost. 

I'm off to learn about Lizzie Borden and her axe!